Вторник, 11 марта 2025   Подписка на обновления
Вторник, 11 марта 2025   Подписка на обновления
11:34, 19 ноября 2022

Using online system it is good way to use new technologies for achieving goals of the partnership

Using online system it is good way to use new technologies for achieving goals of the partnership

Name — Abbreviation: Ballybeen Women’s Centre Address: 34 Ballybeen Women’s Centre, Dundonald, Belfast, BT16 2QE GB-United Kingdom, BT16 2QE, Belfast Email: [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE: Skillful hands are the common language of different cultures Project description Countries involved in the project are Turkey, Lithuania, Cyprus and Spain for the project “ Skillful hands are the common language of different cultures”. The idea of the project is to involve learners of social risk and exclusion from different countries in common dialogue through arts. The project content will provide some opportunities for learners like selecting the hand craft, obtaining the material they need, learning by watching online videos, learning to use internet, learning new languages, discovering new talents and gaining some money instead of wasting their time at home. By the period of partnership will be created online system for all involved countries to exchange their ideas, learn new languages, create intercultural dialogue by making and selling handcrafts. All learners are different background, speaking different languages, but will have a chance to build a bridge between cultures and provide interactions between European countries by doing hand crafts. The idea of hand crafts were chosen because it is very old and very close to cultural identity of any country and people daily life.

Name — Abbreviation: SINDESMOS GIA TIN PROLIPSI KAI ANTIMETOPISI TIS VIAS STIN IKOGENIA Address: 56 Aglantzia Avenue, Aglantzia CY-Cyprus, 2108, Nicosia Email: [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE: Dance Of The Creative Hands PROJECT ACRONYM: Project description We, as the Kas Public Education centre, want to reawaken interest in the cultural and traditional handcrafts and products using recycled materials by designing some reusable creative artistic objects. In this Project we aim to build new cooperations between the adult associations and organizations from different European countries, and exchange the innovative and creative skills of adults within an intercultural environment. The target group in our project are housewives with fewer opportunities especially those who are living in disadvantaged areas. Through the innovative and creative activities and products created within the project, which is designed to support women to be productive rather than consumer, we aim to make them more socially active and create various employment opportunities for them in the future.

Name — Abbreviation: Kas Halk Egitim Merkezi Address: Emin Erdem Meydan? Kas Lisesi Yan? Kas TR-Turkey, 07580, ANTALYA Email: [email protected] Partners

The consciousness about preserving the environment due to global warming and changes in climate is another goal of our project which focuses on the reusable creative products made from recycling materials using the techniques of the traditional and cultural handicrafts

Name — Abbreviation: Gemeinde St. Johann in der Haide Address: St. Johann Nr. 100 AT-Austria, 8295, St. Johann in der Haide Email: [email protected]

Name — Abbreviation: ENOSI SILOGON GONEON SXOLION A DEMDIAMERISMATOS DEMOY THESSALONIKIS Union of Parents Associations of the First Thessaloniki Area (UPAFTA) Address: ?????????? ?????????? ????? ???????????? GR-Greece, 54622, ??????????? Email: [email protected]

PROJECT TITLE: A Journey into History through the Great European Cities Project description Our project aims to http://www.datingranking.net/nl/chatfriends-overzicht/ raise people’s awareness of a past shared, thus, forge a sense of unity among different people of Europe, increase mutual understanding and tolerance. Target group consists of adult learners, adult education institutions, local and regional community. The main objective is to involve learners in an interactive learning environment and motivate them to learn about the history of partner countries and that of their own. Thus, they can see our common past shows how we can co-exist despite the diversities. Activities include: — Initial meeting followed by joint preparation phase. — Creating a ‘start-up’leaflet for promotion. — Project promotion. — Ex-ante needs assessment regarding learning methods and learners’ requirements via informal surveys, interviews. — Development and elaboration of a learning module. — Coordination, monitoring, evaluation. — Research. — Transnational meetings, workshops. — Organising ‘virtual meetings’ among the learners.(e-Forum) — Online discussions among staff. Expected outcomes: — A learning module and materials. — Database for innovative and successful practices, strategies and methodologies. — Info materials,(CD-ROM, videos of best practices) — Print products(Posters, leaflets) — Brochure of ‘good practices’ and outcomes.(Final report) — Improved language, IT skills. — Final conference, Event. — Transfer of know-how between organizations.

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